Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Social Networking Sites

Facebook - Facebook, in my opinion, used to be the most popular social networking site. Everyone used to update their statuses and post pictures of themselves and where they went on vacation. People used to also post on each other walls all the time. I don’t see much of that anymore. I only use Facebook to check my newsfeed for videos that went viral or for its Messenger app.

Twitter - Twitter is new to me but I have an idea of how it works. I can get real time updates on what my favorite basketball team, the Knicks, is doing. Also, I can get updates on what new shoes Nike is releasing. Another feature that’s cool on Twitter is its trends. Twitter has a section that displays what is trending at the moment, which really means what is the hot-topic that everyone is talking about. This is a great way to learn about any kind of information about politics, celebrities, the Middle East, or etc.

Instagram - Instagram is a network where people post pictures or videos of themselves or things that they are passionate about. Although people have the option to post any kind of pictures or videos they’d like, some people have a certain criteria for the pictures they post. They select pictures that are “Instagram-worthy” to post and therefore controlling how they present themselves and what they allow people to see or learn about them. Many celebrities are also active on Instagram. I tend to follow NBA stars to keep up with their activities.

Snapchat - Snapchat is an app where people send each other short videos or pictures of themselves or anything they want to show. It is similar to a combined Instagram and Twitter as people can post pictures throughout the day and caption their activities. Their pictures or videos are more casual than the other social media because it is meant to have people share what they do day-to-day. Anything they post is only available for 24 hours and it deletes on its own. People can send each other direct snaps if they don’t want to share them on their stories. Snapchat is actually fun to use and a great way to see what my friends are doing throughout different times of the day.


  1. Hi Anthony!

    I agree with you, Facebook has now become a website with memes and viral videos. I don't even bother logging onto Facebook anymore just because my newsfeed is flooded with people shares of videos or pictures.

  2. Hey Anthony,

    Your words about Facebook make me think again about how Facebook user's behaviors have changed during the time. I still remember the first time I use Facebook, I posted status almost every-single day. Nowadays, it takes me awhile to update something new. Besides that, my friends used to keep posting a lot on my wall but now, we mostly use messenger to communicate! I miss the old days :)
