Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Advice to Baruch College

I would create an app for Baruch that allows students to keep track of their classes. The app would include any class announcements, files/content needed for class, and reminders. Some students don't check their emails as often and sometimes miss out emails about canceled classes. Having an app that notifies students whenever a professor cancels class may be helpful. Instead of finding out there is no class being held at the time of class, students could find out earlier with the app's notifications. Also, it would be convenient to access any articles, slides or other files that the professor posted up from a phone. This way students wouldn't have any excuse as to why they don't have it with them in class. Reminders would also let students know when papers are due or when there is a quiz or test. It would be especially helpful to those who were absent in class. 

I would also create a Snapchat account for Baruch to keep students updated about events and activities. Although Twitter may already provide these updates, students may not necessarily buy into them unless they actually see the fun. Snapchat allows pictures and videos to be posted for 24 hours. Other students may also upload their pictures and videos to Baruch's Snapchat and I could review them before posting them. This would show students how fun activities could be and may encourage them to attend in the future. Creating a Snapchat account may provide updates for those who have Snapchat but not Twitter.

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